Sunday School 9:30 AM  Morning Worship 10:40 AM

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MSPC Pulpit

"The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God."  This statement is taken from the Second Helvetic Confession, written in 1566.  It demonstrates the Reformer's understanding of the role and nature of preaching.  They were convinced that God speaks to us through His Word and by His Spirit.  We believe, as they did, that the faithful exposition and application of God's Word is essential to the life, health, and growth of the church.  It is for this reason that we are committed to feed the flock of God among us by a regular diet of systematic expository preaching. 



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John's Gospel

October 13, 2013


Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 21:15–21:25

October 6, 2013

Breakfast on the Beach

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 21:1–21:14

September 29, 2013

Doubting Thomas, Believing Thomas

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 20:19–20:31

September 22, 2013

The Third Day He Rose Again from the Dead

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 20:1–20:18

September 15, 2013

He Descended into Hell

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 19:31–19:42

September 8, 2013

He Was Crucified, Dead, and Buried

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 19:6b–19:30

September 1, 2013

He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 19:1–19:16

August 25, 2013

My Kingdom Is Not of This World

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 18:28–18:40

August 18, 2013

Under Arrest

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 18:1–18:27

August 11, 2013

The Lord's Prayer (Really!) Part III: Jesus Prays for All His Disciples

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 17:20–17:26

August 4, 2013

The Lord's Prayer (Really) Part II: Jesus Prays for the Apostles

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 17:6–17:19

July 7, 2013

Yet a Little While

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 16:16–16:33

June 30, 2013

Deja Vu All Over Again

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 16:4b–16:15

June 23, 2013

Know Thyself, Know Thy Enemy

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 15:18–16:4

June 16, 2013

Wine Country

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 15:1–15:17

June 9, 2013

I Believe in the Holy Spirit

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 14:15–14:31

June 2, 2013

How to Fight Worry

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 14:1–14:14

May 26, 2013

A New Commandment

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 13:18–13:38

May 19, 2013

Jesus Makes the Sinner Clean

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 13:1–13:7

May 12, 2013

Right On, King Jesus!

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 12:12–12:50

May 5, 2013

A Beautiful Life

Speaker: Dr. Guy Waters Series: John's Gospel Topic: Sunday AM Passage: John 12:1–12:11