Sunday School 9:30 AM  Morning Worship 10:40 AM

Nursery guidelines and procedures.

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LIVE STREAM - 09/08/2024



MSPC offers opportunties for worship, education, discipleship, nurture, fellowship, and service to adults throughout the various stages of life.  Whether you are launching into your first career, starting a family, facing the challenges of aging parents, or enjoying your golden years, MSPC is a place you can grow in your faith and serve the Lord.

Sunday School

Our Sunday School focus shifts from time to time with the needs of our church.  At times, an elder may lead verse-by-verse studies of a particular book of the Bible.  At other times, classes focused on a particular period of life, such as child rearing, are offered, as are doctrinal studies.


Wednesday Night Studies and Activities

During the months of September through May, we meet each Wednesday evening as a church family for a meal, Bible study, and prayer.  Our evening starts with a meal in the fellowship hall at 5:30 PM.  After the meal, there are programs for children, youth, and adults.   

The adult study is currently held in the fellowship hall. For more information, look at the church calendar or contact the church office.

Small Groups

There are many opportunities at MSPC for adult members to interact, learn, fellowship, and serve through smaller groups.  Below is a partial list and brief descriptions of some of the groups that have been a part of the church's adult ministries.

Community Groups

communitygroupsSeveral small groups meet in the homes of members of the church each week for fellowship, study, discipleship, growth, and service.  The groups find practical ministry opportunities and mobilize to meet needs and spread the love and message of Christ. While listed under adult ministries, community groups involve the whole family.  The groups provide a perfect opportunity for members to get to know one another better.  

Men's Discipleship Groups

At times, men's small discipleship groups form and meet, taking part in in various studies and times of prayer.

Women in the Church (WIC) Bible Studies

Women in the Church provides Bible study and fellowship to all the ladies of our church at a monthly luncheon. It aims to equip the women of Main Street Presbyterian Church to serve Christ in the workplace, the home, and the church and to fulfill their callings to the glory of God. 

Men's Prayer Breakfast

This monthly meeting usually takes place during the school year. Watch the church calendar for more information.

Thursday Noon Prayer Meeting

Members of the church meet together for prayer each week.  Those who cannot meet are encouraged to participate in prayer from home or work during break time.

Happy Heartshappyhearts2

Happy Hearts is the senior citizen ministry at Main Street Presbyterian Church. While it is primarily an activity for our older members, we encourage anyone of any age to join us. Younger people bring much vim, vigor, and vitality to the group. Happy Hearts meets once monthly for lunch and a special time of fellowship. When we eat lunch at the church, we have a program. On some occasions, we take a short road trip.

The purpose of Happy Hearts is to encourage, enjoy, and inspire each other as we live our lives to God’s glory. 


Service Opportunities

It would be impossible to list all the opportunities for service available at MSPC. The more individuals participating in these ministries, the lighter the workload.  Here is a list of just a few ways in which adults can serve the Lord with this body of believers.

Nursery Volunteer

No explanation should be needed here. There is always a need for more people willing to take a turn in the nursery.

Teaching / Leading Children and Youth

Children are the greatest investment. Your skills and abilities as a teacher could be utilized in our children's ministries. 

Singing/Playing an Instrument in Worship

We are passionate about the worship of the Triune God. We strive to “make God’s praise glorious” and “speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.”

If you sing or play an instrument, you can use your gifts in the worship services.  Please contact us here for more information or to learn how to get involved.

 Usher or Security Duty

Our ushers stand ready to welcome visitors and help participants take part in our services.  Our security team members believe you have the right to worship in safety when you come through our doors.  Able-bodied members are encouraged to consider taking part in both of these ministries.

Sound and Video Technology

We live in a world where technology now allows us to stream our services worldwide and maintain an audio library accessible to all.  Maybe you are technologically savvy and would like to use your gifts to serve in this manner.  We need individuals excited about using technology creatively to make the message of Christ accessible to anyone.

Main Street Meals

The mission of Main Street Meals is to support our fellow church members who may need help in serving a meal due to illness, hectic work schedule, unexpected life events, or other reasons. Click here to learn more about how you can take part in this unique ministry.