Sunday School 9:30 AM  Morning Worship 10:40 AM

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Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

Spreading a delight in God’s great glory by proclaiming Christ’s precious Cross.”

The good news about Jesus has gripped and changed our lives. Instead of the old barren life of selfishness and rebellion, the cross of Christ is the new center of our lives and the glory of God both our ultimate goal and our greatest joy. Main Street Presbyterian Church exists to glory in God and proclaim to our community the same good news that has revolutionized our lives.


Mission Statement

Main Street’s mission focuses on four areas:


Delight in God’s glory is the purpose for which we were made, and worship is the expression of that delight. At Main Street Presbyterian Church we will spread a delight in God’s glory through reverent, God-centered, Trinitarian worship that is historic in form, carefully regulated by the Bible, with gospel preaching at its heart. Our worship is not driven by taste or tradition merely but by our conviction that God alone determines how He shall be worshipped.


Main Street Presbyterian Church will nurture that delight in God’s glory through systematic expository preaching and a comprehensive all-age Sunday School curriculum aimed at equipping God’s people for service and the development of a Biblical world and life view. On Wednesday evenings we will gather to fellowship, study God’s inerrant Word, and join in sustained, kingdom-centered, corporate prayer. Our elders will advance the growth of every member through careful, ongoing shepherding and pastoral care and the loving practice of church discipline.


God the Father has united us to His Son, Christ Jesus, through the work of the
Holy Spirit, and brought us into a lively communion with Himself. Therefore, we
are committed to being a Christ centered community, patterning our lives after
the perfect community enjoyed by God in the Trinity, and extended to us in
Christ through the gospel. As part of this commitment we seek, through active
elder and diaconal work, to care for the spiritual and physical needs of our
members and our neighbors. Historically, the church has referred to this
practice as the Communion of Saints.


Main Street Presbyterian Church will seek to spread a delight in God’s glory among all people–in Columbus, Mississippi, and the world–by the clear proclamation of Christ’s precious cross in regular evangelistic services and events. We will provide training opportunities for every member in evangelism. We will seek careful engagement in our community and opportunities for individual and corporate witness.