Sunday School 9:30 AM  Morning Worship 10:40 AM

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LIVE STREAM - 09/08/2024

New Here?

Welcome.  The fact you have clicked on the "New Here" button means you want to know more about Main Street Presbyterian Church and you probably don't have time to wade through our entire website trying to figure out who and what we are. The information below is an attempt at providing you with a concise picture of our church. Along the way, we have provided some links that will give you more detailed information should you choose to dig deeper.  Hopefully, the information you find here will answer most of your questions, and you will want to visit us. You will find at the bottom of this page, instructions on how to contact us and give us some feedback. Let's get started.

Who is Main Street Presbyterian Church?

Our Name

As our name implies, our address is, 701 Main Street in Columbus, MS.   If you are not familiar with the term, "Presbyterian," it refers to the form of church government we use.  Presbyterian churches use a system of deacons and elders chosen (elected) from within the congregation who provide a type of representative leadership similar to that of our American government.  

Our History

We are not a new congregation. We have been here a long time and have a rich history that goes back to a local Native American mission established in this region in the early eighteen hundreds.

Our Doctrine

We are a conservative reformed congregation actively participating in the Presbyterian Church of America denomination.  We look to the Bible for all our teaching and beliefs and are guided in our understanding and application of the scriptures through historical, reformed documents like the Westminster Confession of Faith.  We are trinitarian, confessional, and Calvinist. Many who have come to be part of our congregation in the past have done so because they felt challenged to grow deeper in their faith.

Our Worship

You can always count on strong Biblical preaching as the centerpiece of our worship services.  Our worship style is blended.  Instrumental accompaniment is usually some combination of organ, piano, guitar, wind, or strings.  We rely heavily upon traditional hymns but also embrace modern worship songs that are doctrinally correct, singable, and approved by our church leadership. For more on our philosophy of music click here

Our Congregation

If you had to use a single word to describe our congregation, "eclectic," would probably be the right choice.  We represent a broad range on the socio-economic spectrum.  We are doctors, professionals, business owners, blue collar, public-private-home-schooled, civilian, and military.  There are those among us building their careers and their families, while others are enjoying retirement and their golden years.  Some of us were raised here and have family ties going back three or four generations within this congregation and will most likely die here.  Some of us just moved here and joined recently and will be moving again in the next 24 months. We come from varied religious backgrounds, including  Catholic, Baptist, Pentecostal, and even atheist.  But now, Christ has made us a covenant family, a body of believers united in Him.

What does Main Street Presbyterian Church do?


We have already discussed our worship style. We believe man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.  Worship at Main Street is characterized by strong exegetical preaching, reading of scripture and confessions, singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, the practice of covenant baptism and the celebration of the Lord's supper.


We believe it is essential to provide opportunities for Christian education and growth through small discipleship groups, community groups, peer and interest defined Sunday School classes and mentorship.


The new testament church has examples of the congregations serving and supporting one another in time of need as well as reaching out beyond themselves.  We believe in bearing each other's burdens.  There are opportunities to minister and show love to others in person or through established church ministries like our on-site clothes closet (The Presby-Closet), Main Street Meals, and communion fund. 


We have a history of supporting the work of evangelism through our annual Faith Promise missions giving drive.  We have also had an opportunity on occasion to take part in this work by sending members on short term mission trips.

When does Main Street Presbyterian Church meet?

Like any congregation, our schedule may change from time to time due to seasonal activity.  It is always a good idea to check our calendar a recent newsletter or bulletin to stay informed of scheduling changes.  Our regular weekly schedule looks something like this.

Sunday Mornings

9:15- 9:30 AM -  Coffee and fellowship time 2nd-floor HeBrews coffee room.

9:30 - 10:15 AM - Age graded Sunday School Classes

10:40 AM - 12:00 PM - Worship

Sunday Evenings (1st, third, and 5th Sundays)

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Worship and Bible Study

Sunday Evenings (2nd and fourth Sundays)

Community Groups Meet (See Calendar, Newsletter, and Bulletins for details.) 

Wednesdays (September - April)

5:30 - 6:00 PM - Congregational supper

6:00 - 7:00 PM - Age graded activities as announced

Thursday Prayer Meeting

Noon - Next to the church office.

Where do I park?

parking zones2As you can see from the diagram on the left, there are five primary parking zones used by our members and visitors.  Area 1 is parking along 7th Street both sides of 7th. Street,  in front of our sanctuary building entrances.  Area 2 is our parking lot on 8th Street. From there, you pass through our education buildings and fellowship hall and come up the stairs into the sanctuary building.  Area 3 is a parking lot owned by Memorial Funeral Home.  They graciously allow us to use their parking lot on Sundays so long as they are not holding a service or visitation in the early afternoon.  There is a door from the back of one of our education buildings that is accessible from that parking lot.  Area 4 is a city-owned, public parking area and involves a bit of a walk.  Area 5 is parking owned by Cadence Bank, who also allow us to use on Sundays.  We are asked, of course, to show courtesy and not block ATM and dropbox access.  Lastly, parking is usually available in Area 6, the local YMCA parking lot.  

What should I wear to a worship service?

On Sunday mornings, some of our people dress up a little, some don't.  You will see dresses, suits, and ties.  Other attendees will be in slacks, button up shirts and blouses, and golf style shirts.  During hot weather, you may see some of our younger adults in walking shorts.  Blue jeans, walking shorts, slip-over shirts, and comfortable footwear is the choice of most for our evening services.  For our Wednesday evening activities, many people come in their work clothes straight from work.

How can I find out more about Main Street Presbyterian Church?

Detailed information on how to contact us and an online response form is available on our Contact page. We invite you to call, email, write, or visit us.