A Confession Story
May 31, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: A Study of David
Topic: Sunday AM Passage: 2 Samuel 12:1–15
If all continues as planned, today marks the end of our "virtual worship" journey. With today's video, we have spent eleven Sundays (and one Maundy Thursday) worshiping from our homes. God has been good to our congregation, and to our country through this experience. This video features the seventh message in Pastor Todd's sermon series, "A Study of David", entitled, "A Confession Story". In this pre-recorded worship service we also inaugurate into our worship song repertoire, "Behold Our God", written by Bob Kauflin. The "Not Ready for Quarantine" worship team also welcomes back our Organist, Edna Mae McCoy. Due to our concerns for her health, she has been on "forced social distancing". Welcome back Edna Mae and thank you for patiently understanding our insistence on your well being.
In the future, if you ever want to look back on any of these 12 recordings, you will find them here in our Sermon Library, and gathered in a YouTube playlist entitled, "The Pandemic Collection."
More in A Study of David
August 16, 2020
David's Last WordsAugust 9, 2020
David's DoxologyAugust 2, 2020
Truth in an Age of Uncertainty