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The Dark Side of David

May 24, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: A Study of David

Topic: Sunday AM Passage: 2 Samuel 11

This video marks the 10th week of virtual worship services featuring a minute of silent prayer and reflection upon our fallen military on this Memorial Day Weekend. We get a sneak peek at the near-completed nursery addition and continue with the 6th message in Pastor Todd's series, A Study of David. "The Dark Side of David", coming from 2 Samuel 11 is a disturbing look into the life of, "the man after God's own heart".



1. Sin is opportunistic

2. Sin multiplies

3. Sin is destructive

More in A Study of David

August 16, 2020

David's Last Words

August 9, 2020

David's Doxology

August 2, 2020

Truth in an Age of Uncertainty