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The Counter Edict Part 1

January 26, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: Esther: When the Absent God Saves

Topic: Sunday AM Passage: Esther 8

Rev. Todd Matocha

Esther 8



  1. The grace of reversal
    1. (4 gifts of reversal - see chapter 2 for reference.)
      1. The gift of Haman's possessions to Esther
      2. The king's signet ring to Mordecai
      3. A declaration to allow Mordecai and Esther to formulate an edict to preserve the Jewish people.
    2. God at work in moral decisions of kings
      1. Abimelech not defiling Sarah, God kept him from that sin.
      2. Jeremiah 51:11, God used Babylon to judge Israel, but then turned the Meads against Babylon to judge them for their destruction against Israel
      3. Absalom etc.
  2. The Joy of deliverance will be covered next week


More in Esther: When the Absent God Saves

March 15, 2020

The Kingdoms of Men and the Kingdoms of God

February 9, 2020

The Counter Edict Part 2

January 19, 2020

Now is the Time