The Counter Edict Part 1
January 26, 2020 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: Esther: When the Absent God Saves
Topic: Sunday AM Passage: Esther 8
Rev. Todd Matocha
Esther 8
- The grace of reversal
- (4 gifts of reversal - see chapter 2 for reference.)
- The gift of Haman's possessions to Esther
- The king's signet ring to Mordecai
- A declaration to allow Mordecai and Esther to formulate an edict to preserve the Jewish people.
- God at work in moral decisions of kings
- Abimelech not defiling Sarah, God kept him from that sin.
- Jeremiah 51:11, God used Babylon to judge Israel, but then turned the Meads against Babylon to judge them for their destruction against Israel
- Absalom etc.
- The Joy of deliverance will be covered next week
More in Esther: When the Absent God Saves
March 15, 2020
The Kingdoms of Men and the Kingdoms of GodFebruary 9, 2020
The Counter Edict Part 2January 19, 2020
Now is the Time