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Quashing Quarrels and Promoting Peace

August 4, 2019 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: James: A Faith Shaped Life

Topic: Sunday AM Passage: James 4:1–12

Quashing Quarrels and Promoting  Peace

Sunday, August 4, 2019

11:08 AM

Rev. Todd Matocha



  1. The cause of Church Quarrels
  2. Seven remedies for church division
    1. Pray
    2. Humble ourselves
    3. Submit your plan, opinion, preference or agenda to the providential will of God
    4. Pray again
    5. Develop a spirit of repentance and forgiveness
    6. Count yourself dead to self and risen in Christ
    7. Don't slander the brother who disagrees with you.

More in James: A Faith Shaped Life

September 22, 2019

Prone to Wander

September 15, 2019

The Power of Prayer

September 8, 2019

Prayer, Praise, and the Glory of God