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Understanding the Dream

June 19, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Todd Matocha Series: Resident Aliens: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of Men

Topic: Sunday PM Passage: Daniel 2:31–49

Sixth sermon in Pastor Todd Matocha's series on the book of Daniel entitled, "Resident Aliens: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of Men."
Understanding the Dream
1. Understanding Details of the Dream
a. Ezekiel 1:4
b. Ezekiel 10:4
c. Gold usually identified something divine. It seems we are being told Nebuchadnezzar should be regarded as a king appointed by God. All world leaders, no matter how pagan are appointed and rule by the hand of God. 1Sam. 26:8,9
d. Narrow interpretation: the figure as described and later crushed is the collapse of the Babylonian empire at the end of 70 years of exile. The rock is Cyrus that destroyed the Babylonian empire.
e. Wider interpretation: fall of 4 major kingdoms up to Christ.
i. Babylon
ii. Medes and Persian
iii. Alexander the Great
iv. Roman empire
v. Christ is the rock
f. Double meaning...both are true
g. Earthly kingdoms come and go, but the kingdom of God endures. Forever
2. The responses to the dream
a. Nebuchadnezzar's response
i. Humbled
ii. Awed
iii. Misdirected worship
iv. Acknowledged the power of Daniel's God
b. Daniel's response
i. Patience
1) Now he knows the Messiah will not appear in his lifetime
2) He was engaged in the culture in was living in
3) Worked within the pagan court of Nebuchadnezzar to work to show the glory of God

More in Resident Aliens: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of Men

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