Discovering God's Purpose
February 27, 2016 Speaker: Rev. Rafael Ku Series: A Heart for the Harvest
Topic: Missions Conference Passage: Exodus 3:1–12
This is the second of three sermons presented by Rev. Rafael Ku, Pastor of Bethany Presbyterian Church, Belize during the 2016 Missions Conference at Main Street Presbyterian Church, Columbus, MS. Video of this message is available on You Tube on our channel. At You Tube search for,"Main Street Presbyterian Church Media" or follow the link below.
1. Realize God speaks through our circumstances.
2. We are going to serve a holy God
3. The purpose God gives us will be His mission.
4. The God who calls us must be obeyed
More in A Heart for the Harvest
February 28, 2016
A Vision for a MissionFebruary 28, 2016
The Holy Spirit and the Mission of GodFebruary 27, 2016
A Passion for the Lost